Program of the 22nd Peliti Seeds Festival & 4th Olympic Seed Festival
The logic with which this year the program of the 22nd Peliti Seed Festival was structured is to give practical knowledge and advice in the cultivation of the land, in the preservation of the seeds, in the preparation of our food, the preservation of the food, our self-sufficiency.
10:00 am – 14:00 pm Distribution of Traditional Seeds.
10:10 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Bread workshop.
11:15 a.m. – 11:50 a.m. Eco-Variety goes to the 22nd Peliti Seed Festival
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 a.m. workshops reuse of materials.
12:00 a.m. – 12:40 p.m. Peliti Theme Gardens
12:40 am – 13:15 pm Sowing of spring rye.
14:00 pm –14: 15 pm Fertility Customs.
14:15 pm – 14:30 pm Forming the signal of Peliti
14:45 pm – 16:00 pm Singing for Peliti.
Parallel Events.
Supporting vulnerable social groups.
Collection of men’s clothes and shoes
Free bazaar
Photography exhibition.
Folklore exhibition.
Actions for children.
Observing the sun with a telescope.
All activities: seed distribution, lectures, workshops, exhibitions, etc. it’s free. All this is supported by the volunteers of Peliti whom we thank very much.
However, there are things that need money to be done. We are open to your small or large financial contribution so that we can make our work easier.
Piraeus Bank.
IBAN: GR10 0171 1960 0061 9804 0030 332
Beneficiary: Alternative Community Peliti
Reason: assistance.
The organizing committee can modify the program according to the needs that will arise.