Cheese with lemon

• 5 liters of milk
• 5 lemons
• Coarse salt
• Olive oil for the conservation
• cheesecloth (vexation) for draining
• colander
• a cup of yogurt (1kg) drilled in the bottom (many nail holes)
• a similar cup with no holes

Strain the milk and put it to boil. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking. At the same time, prepare the lemon juice. When the milk begins to rise, add the lemon juice and continue to stir. We stop the fire and stir for a little bit more. Milk shares immediately into large pieces. Put the colander in the sink and spread the cheesecloth on it, which we moistened to prevent sticking cheese.

Pour in there the content of the pot. Grab the edges of the cheesecloth and slowly put it up and down with our hands for 2-3 minutes until the more of the serum is gone.
Place the cheesecloth with the cheese into the cup of yogurt with the holes. Press it back with your hand. Rearrange the cheesecloth in order not to have many wrinkles and place over the other cup without holes. Put weight onto it – for example a stone or a full jar- and leave so about 10-12 hours to drain well. Then subtract the weight, remove the cup, pull the cheesecloth and take out the cheese.

Put a little coarse salt in a bowl. Place the cheese on the salt. Put a little more salt above the cheese. Cover with a second plate and put a weight on the top. Leave the cheese there for 10-12 hours. Then clean the cheese from the salt without the use of water. Cheese is ready to be eaten or be stored.
We can conserve it for 4-5 weeks by putting on olive oil. If you don’t want to spend too much oil, you can use again the same type of cup that you use as a mold. So the cheese fits exactly and you need a small quantity of olive oil to cover it. Store it in a cool place.

P.S 1. I’m sure that we can conserve the cheese more than 5 weeks. I didn’t need to maintain it longer, s o I have no experience.
P.S 2. 5 liters of milk produce about 650 gr of cheese.
P.S 3 It is not good to use the coarse salt for a second time

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